What to expect during your first visit

During the Session

Many people ask what their initial pelvic floor evaluation would be like. It’s hard to say exactly because we try to customize it for every patient. Some initial sessions may be more talking, history taking, and building up the trust and relationship with us while other sessions may be more hands-on for those who feel more comfortable.

This is a general outline of what to expect:

Part 1: Interview

We want to hear your story and what brings you to our clinic. We want to talk about any aspects of life such as work, sleep habits, diet, or other aspects of your health that can be contributing to your area of concern(s). Detailed questions will help us understand your symptoms better. * Depending on the complexity of your history and symptoms, this portion at the first visit may take up the majority of the time.

Part 2: Whole body assessment

  • Posture in sitting and standing positions

  • Functional movements like squatting and lifting

  • Breathing pattern–feeling for how your rib cage moves and if there are any areas of restriction

  • Range of motion in your spine, pelvis and hips

  • Strength in your core, back, and hips

Part 3: Pelvic exam

A pelvic floor assessment is NEVER required and also does not have to be performed on your first visit or any visit if you do not feel comfortable. If the idea of an assessment makes you feel uncomfortable, that shouldn’t stop you from seeking help. There are many other ways we can help, which we can definitely talk about!

This is typically what is involved in a pelvic floor exam, if you feel comfortable (we will also go over pelvic floor anatomy and help you visualize and understand everything before we start the exam):

External pelvic exam

We will look at your perineal region (area between pubic bone in front to the tailbone in the back) to see how your pelvic floor muscles contract & relax. We will also palpate (press) the bony parts of your pelvis and the outer most pelvic floor muscle layer to assess for any tenderness.

Internal pelvic exam

We will insert one gloved finger (with lubricant) through the vaginal opening to assess areas of muscle tension and/or tenderness, pelvic floor muscle strength, and your ability to relax.

After the Session

After the evaluation, we will discuss some areas of focus, which will always include exercises for you to perform at home in between sessions. It is important to be consistent with your exercise program so that we can determine how you are responding to the treatment plan and adjust accordingly.

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